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This Blog is dedicated to the true gospel of the Bible which is Jesus, crucified and risen from the dead to give men his life. This true gospel is the standard by which Calvinism is confronted.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

There Are NO Clear Scriptures Supporting Calvinism

Where are they? Where are all the Biblical passages that clearly support Calvinism? The truth is that there are none. Calvinism is unfortunately built on inferences and "hope so's" and not on Holy Scripture. There are no passages in the Bible that clearly state that the doctrines of Calvinism and their TULIP are genuine doctrines.

Even A.W. Pink, the revered and noted Calvinist confirms my conclusion when discussing unconditional election in his book called "Election":                                                                            
“It is a difficult doctrine, and this in three respects.  First, in the understanding of it.  Unless we are privileged to sit under the ministry of some Spirit-taught servant of God, who presents the truth to us systematically, great pains and diligence are called for in the searching of the Scriptures, so that we may collect and tabulate their scattered statements on this subject. It has not pleased the Holy Spirit to give us one complete and orderly setting forth of the doctrine of election, but instead "here a little, there a little"—in typical history, in psalm and prophecy, in the great prayer of Christ (John 17), in the epistles of the apostles. Second, in the acceptation of it.”
I don't agree with Pink on much but his take here on unconditional election is accurate. He notes that scriptures of supposed support for Calvinism are "collected" and "tabulated' from "scattered statements" and grasped by an approach that is "here a little, there a little" approach. In other words Pink confesses a theology that is established by the connect-the-dots methodology and this kind of exegesis always leads to error. This is the same way that cults create their doctrines. It is the way that the Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses support their theology. These groups have their scriptures of support but these support passages are not clear, are out of context and full of inferences.

Let's consider six of Calvinism's major doctrines that support TULIP and Calvinism:        

#1 - The Sovereignty of God
Calvinists teach that the Sovereignty of God means that God must predetermine all things because if he did not, he would not be sovereign. There are two problems with this. First "sovereignty" as defined by the dictionary does not mean that one is fully controlling every aspect.  The word actually means that the one who is sovereign is over all things.  Secondly, there is not a scripture to be found that clearly states that God predetermines all things including man's sin, rebellion and ability to be saved.  Yet Calvinists grasp at proof scriptures that do not clearly state what Calvinists believe. A clear scripture would look something like this:                                                                                      
God is sovereign over all matters concerning mankind. He decides all things about every man's life. Man has no choices because God initiates every thing that a man does. God alone predetermines all things. 1 Calvin 1:16
The problem is that this scripture does not exist nor anything even close to it.

#2 - Unconditional Election
Calvinists teach that God chose some to be saved. Some teach that God simply passed over those whom he did not choose to save while other Calvinists teach that God reprobated those he did not save, damning them to hell by his own purpose. The problem is that there is not one clear "proof" passage that states either is true. Romans 9 is certainly not a clear passage since the part Calvinists use is taken out of context and the whole inference is simply not clear in the passage. Ephesians 1 does not clearly state that God predetermined who will and will not be saved but instead states what God has in mind for those who have come to faith in Christ.. John 17 is very weak too as it simply records how God selected certain men to be his apostles to share the good news. None of these passages cited by Reformed folks clearly state something like the following:
 God chose some men for salvation while passing over others. Therefore man has no say in the matter of his coming to God and receiving salvation. God has predetermined salvation for all man, some for salvation and some for damnation and eternal punishment. 1 Calvin 2:16
Is there any scripture in the Bible that comes even close to the above? Certainly not!              

#3 - Total Depravity                                                                                                              
Calvinists teach that man's fall in the garden by eating of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil made man totally depraved.  They state that this total depravity has corrupted man's ability to reason in the spiritual realm. Reformed folks also state that because man died at the fall he has no ability to respond unless God regenerates him first.  Most theologians on both sides of this doctrine agree that Calvinism's view is really one of man's total inability.

Total Depravity is one of Calvinism's weakest doctrines and is foundational to the Calvinist TULIP and it simply does not have any kind of scriptural support. The words "total depravity" or any statement like it is not found in a single phrase of scripture. The verses used to prove Total Depravity are pulled willy-nilly out of context and don't come close to proving this doctrine. To believe in Total Depravity, there would need to be at least one passage stating what Calvinists teach.  There would need to be a passage that says something like this:
When man sinned and fell in the garden he became completely evil and lost all ability to ever seek God or choose God.  Therefore man is so morally corrupt by the fall and so spiritually dead that he has no free will. 1 Calvin 3:16
Is there a statement in scripture like the above? Absolutely not!

#4 - Limited Atonement
Calvinists teach that Christ's atonement was only for the elect and not for all men despite many passages that state that he actually did atone for all men. Once again there is not one clear portion of scripture that even comes close to supporting such a doctrine which is why even many Calvinists reject this doctrine.

There is not one passage that clearly states that Christ's atonement was not for all like the following states for instance:                                                                                                              
Jesus did not atone for all men but instead was the atonement for the elect only.  Only those who were chosen by God to be saved will be saved. Jesus did not die on the cross for all men but just the few he chose from the beginning. 1 Calvin 4:16
#5 - Irresistible Grace
Calvinists teach that God's chosen elect are given an irresistible grace and that the elect cannot reject God's redemption and salvation no matter how hard they might try.  They teach this despite the fact that the phase "irresistible grace" or any synonymic like phrase in scripture. This far-fetched doctrine is bankrupt of any proof from scripture.

There is no scripture that states something like the following:
The elect whom God chose out of all men to be saved are given a grace that they cannot resist, no matter how hard they try. This grace guarantees that they will come to God. 1 Calvin 5:16
Is there anything like the above in all of the word of God? No, there is nothing even close to it. Grace is always stated to be for all men and twisting grace to make it irresistible is simply abominable.

#6 - Regeneration before Faith
Calvinists unlike every other "Christian" faith including Lutherans believe that man must be regenerated before he can have faith or believe in Christ. This fallacious doctrine does not have any "proof" scripture of any kind clearly stating this sentiment. This doctrine like every other doctrine mentioned in this article is simply a grasping at straws and is actually only developed by human philosophy. There is not a single clear statement in scripture that even intimates the idea.

Ironically, there are hundreds of statements in scripture about faith and not one scripture clearly supports the idea. If there are hundreds of scriptures on faith and believing, would it not make sense that just one would clearly depict faith as coming after regeneration or salvation?  Then consider too that there are many scriptures that show that faith comes before salvation like the following:
Then he brought them out and said, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” And they said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.” Acts 16: 30-31 
Believe and you will be saved is very clearly stated.  There is no statement like the following:
Men cannot have faith until the Holy Spirit has regenerated them. Faith comes after man is born again and saved, therefore it is not in man until this time. 1 Calvin 6:16
In Conclusion
I know---I hear the dyed-in-the-wool Calvinist clamoring right now that there are passages that support all their doctrines above.  The problem is that the scriptures that they use are snippets here and there and that is all they have.  Most false doctrines and heresies are weaved together by multiple passages pulled out of context and this is exactly what the Calvinist is clamoring about.  I don't contest that Calvinists do have scriptures they have knit together but it only works if one weaves them together so that one verse supports the other.  My problem is that no Calvinist doctrine is clearly stated in a SINGLE passage.

When I have brought up this issue previously Calvinists have tried to convince me that doctrines like the Trinity are widely accepted but there is no clear passage.  By using this challenge with me they show that they agree with me that there are no clear passages supporting Calvinism.  But their example of the Trinity is way off base since Matthew 3:14-17 does clearly state the existence of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  If Calvinists agree that their passages are not clear but that does not matter then how do they ever identify theological error with groups with which they don't agree? Proving theology by providing clear passages is clearly exegesis that can be trusted.

I remind my readers once again that all cults put forth "proof" scriptures and that includes the Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses. What then is the only safe way to prove doctrines? Doctrines can only be proved by clear passages with little or no ambiguity. Such is the true gospel which uses passages like John 3:16 to clearly state what is true:

John 3:16 is truly what a clear passage looks like. That is why it is so often cited by Christians. It is clear and cannot be denied that Christ atoned for all yet Calvinists oppose this clear message because it flies in the face of their doctrines listed above yet without any clear proof.    

I suggest that when you talk to a Calvinist you refuse to engage in a doctrine versus doctrine discussion.  This kind of discussion produces nothing.  I recommend that when you talk to a Calvinist, you ask them to show you just one clear passage that supports their doctrine.  They will not be able to give you even one and will likely try to throw Romans 9 and John 17 at you and when they do, you must tell them that these passages are not clear statements. Then show them one of the clear passages that refute Calvinism like John 3:16-18 and Romans 10:8-17.  They likely won't accept your premise but at least you will have spoken the truth in love.
Darrell Brantingham

(Check out my pithy tweets @confrontcalvin).


  1. Just found your blog. Thank you for speaking the truth of scripture. I've asked my Calvinist friends why God didn't mention Total Depravity (Inability) as one of the curses in Genesis 3.

    1. Indeed. Yes this is something I came across too and it is perhaps the biggest consideration that should be understood.

  2. Love your blog. I overheard some Calvinist guys chatting to each other, joking about how "Armenians view God as a big soft fluffy weakling hahaha"... I grinned, and stepped in to clarify how we (non-Calvinists) really view God, not as the Calvinist's god who "passively allows" unrepentant to slip into Hell, but as we know the Bible teaches, a JUST God who JUSTLY offers salvation to all, so all are without excuse, and the unrepentant can be JUSTLY punished, even though it grieves God's heart that they reject Him. The guys started sputtering "Romans 9!" to which I replied, "Yes, you mean that awesome chapter where God explains to the Jews that Gentiles can get in on the action of being believers? Love that chapter!" Learned so much from this blog. Keep it coming.

    1. That is awesome Alana. I am thrilled that you love the blog and even more thrilled about how you speak the truth to Calvinists. So blessed to hear that.

  3. Gary - my husband pointed out the same thing a few weeks ago! We have just been studying this subject for the past six months or so. Sometimes my husband will text me a portion of scripture when he is reading during lunch hour, highlighting portions that clearly show God responding to Israel or an individual based on their repentance or rebellion toward God. Throughout the OT, none of these passages specify that God gave the believers a "special grace" to CAUSE them to repent. A few passages mention hardening, always in response to the individual/nation's initial choice to disobey or refuse to believe in Yahweh. If irresistible grace were true, then why does the Lord command His people over and over to obey... then they keep disobeying? Unless the Allmighty is giving them free choice to obey or reject Him. I mean, He spoke, and the Earth came into existence... solar systems made from nothing! Everything in Creation obeys His voice - except His special creation "made in His own image".

    1. Yes, you are so right. Calvinism paints God as being completely disingenuous. How could he so often demand obedience and response if man had no ability to do it.
