Why This Blog?

This Blog is dedicated to the true gospel of the Bible which is Jesus, crucified and risen from the dead to give men his life. This true gospel is the standard by which Calvinism is confronted.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

I Love The Gospel!

There is nothing greater than the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Jesus is the central theme of all scripture and he is the central theme of the gospel.  Jesus is the embodiment of the love, mercy, kindness and justice of God.  The Father drew us to his Son by sending Jesus to take our place and to give his life to us.  He came out of love for the Father and out of love for every person in creation.

Even in Christ’s coming he brought mankind exactly what was needed in himself.  He brought light.  He brought life.  He brought grace.  He brought truth.  He brought what man was missing even before he gave himself to be taken up on the cross.  He brought the remedy for all man lost in the garden.  Jesus preached the gospel.  Jesus brought the gospel.  Jesus was the gospel. John speaks:

         In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in
        The darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
John 1:4-5

        Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given.
        For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

        John 1:16-17

Gospel means “good news” and that is exactly who Jesus was.  He was the good news when born in Bethlehem.  He was the good news when he grew up in the knowledge of God.  He was good news when he ministered to the lost.  He was good news when he healed all who were sick.  He was good news when he discipled his disciples.  He was good news when he was lifted up on the cross for man’s sins.  He was good news when he rose from the dead.  He was good news when he appeared to his disciples after his resurrection.  He was good news when he ascended.  He was good news when he sat down at the right hand of his father having completed his work of redemption.

There is no other gospel outside of Jesus and his completed work.  Men may add things to what the gospel is and they may take away from it but the gospel does not change.  Men may fabricate ideas and beliefs into what they think is the gospel but the gospel is not amended.  Men may follow doctrines that are accepted by millions but the gospel remains unaltered.

There have been many false gospels but one only true gospel and that is the gospel where Jesus in his fullness brought the good news with him and the good news of his completed and glorious work of redemption. 

I love the gospel!  I love the good news in Jesus.  I will contend for the true gospel.  I will confront any other gospel that comes to take the place of the true gospel.  We must beware that we do not believe any other gospel.

         But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the
         one we preached to you let them be under God’s curse!
Galatians 1:8

Jesus delivered the gospel to us but how do we receive it?  The scripture is quite clear that we receive the gospel only by faith:

       For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to
       Everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the
       Righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “BUT THE
Romans 1:16-17

 (Please check out my tweets on my Twitter account at @confrontcalvin.)