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This Blog is dedicated to the true gospel of the Bible which is Jesus, crucified and risen from the dead to give men his life. This true gospel is the standard by which Calvinism is confronted.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

My Response To Recent Slander

It is no surprise to anyone that I have tremendous problems with Calvinism doctrine which I believe is for the most part, false doctrine.  But what shocks me just as much as Calvinism itself is the tactic by Calvinists who do not agree with me especially on Twitter. Though none of my tweets are directed at these individuals, these folks sometimes post slander and lies about me and this happens to others as well.  I guess it is okay with these guys to slander someone directly if you do not agree with them even if your charge is fully false and slanderous in nature.

Such is the work of Colin Maxwell (@weecalvin who recently slandered me on Twitter and a blog that he operates.  Here is what he recently posted on his website:

and on his Twitter:

The above is an out-and-out lie and truly slanderous.  I am not a Universalist.  For those who don't know the term, Universalists believe that all men will eventually be redeemed and that hell is either not eternal or literal.  I do NOT believe in Universalism.  To set the record straight, I believe that the Bible is clear that if a person does not believe in Jesus and rejects Christ's free gift of salvation that he is going to hell for eternity and it is a literal hell where that person will suffer immensely.  Does that sound like Universalism to you?

My point in my tweet replete with its 140 character limitation is that some Calvinists state rather disingenuously that God offers salvation to all but in the end God only saves some who are the "elect'.  By the way, that is what Calvinists have clearly written and my response is to their comments.  I have read this kind of statement many times from some Calvinists.  It is actually the lighter Calvinist opinion on the subject because some Calvinists state that God only offers salvation to only a few.  

Either way, Mr. Maxwell's charge that I am a Universalist is completely false and I hope that he will apologize for it.  This kind of rancor that is simply a personal attack where people's names are slandered is wrong.  I post a lot of information that is negative to Calvinism but I do not troll for other people's posts and then challenge them.  Neither do I make lying and slanderous statements to those on Twitter or anywhere else for that matter.  I don't even mind the many times that Calvinists on Twitter have named me by name in their tweets as one that they disagree with in terms of my tweets but when someone boldly lies and slanders a person then the line has been crossed.  

I forgive Mr. Maxwell but I think this tactic of slandering someone because you don't like the argument is a lowly one and should be called out as such.  He is not the only Calvinist to call me a Universalist for simply stating that Jesus died for all men.  Strangely enough, one Calvinist even called me a Universalist simply for tweeting 1 Timothy 2:3-4 with no additional comments.  That is crazy!

I know that all Calvinists do not lie and slander but there are some who do.  Those that do should be ashamed of these tactics.  Neither do I condone the actions of those who oppose Calvinism that may choose to do the same.  

My posts are not directed towards hardcore believers in Calvinism.  My chances of changing their minds are very slim.  The goal of my tweets and blog posts is to do the following:

1. Support others like me who are exposing Calvinism.
2. Provide an alternative message to those who lean towards Calvinism but who have not heard an alternative message.
3. Inform folks who are simply trying to find out the truth about Calvinism.
4. Warn those who have not heard of Calvinism so that they will know what it is when they hear it.

My goal is not to antagonize those who are hard and fast Calvinist believers. I purposely do all I can to not follow these kinds of Calvinists on Twitter especially since I have no interest in getting involved in worthless arguments.  I even block these kinds of folks on Twitter so that they don't have to even see my tweets and posts.  In other words, I don't have ANY interest in arguing with those who already believe Calvinism is what they think it is.

Thanks for reading this post on my thoughts on this so that people can know not only that I am not a Universalist but also so folks can know my heart and my intentions.  The fact is I have good friends that are Calvinists and I love all men including Calvinists. Colin is probably a great guy and I respect his passion for what he believes in.  I would probably enjoy speaking with him but enough of the slander, please...

Darrell Brantingham

(Check out my pithy tweets @confrontcalvin on Twitter)

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