Why This Blog?

This Blog is dedicated to the true gospel of the Bible which is Jesus, crucified and risen from the dead to give men his life. This true gospel is the standard by which Calvinism is confronted.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Purpose of This Blog

Most blogs are created with some kind of purpose in mind and this is certainly the case when it comes to this blog.  As one might be able tell by the title of the blog, I intend to challenge the set of doctrines commonly called Calvinism.  The question therefore is how I even got here.  What provoked me to write a blog on this subject?

The truth is that in the majority of my forty plus years of being a Christian I had very little knowledge of Calvinism.  This is likely due to where I fellowshipped during most of my years.  My fellowship background was mostly in the Charismatic movement and included several years in the Vineyard Christian Fellowship association of churches where I pastored a church for over seven years.

During this time I don't ever remember Calvinism being preached from the pulpit and for that matter I never heard anyone specifically use the term Arminian when preaching either.  Over the years someone would mention to me something about whether I was a Calvinist or an Arminian.  I was often taken off-guard by such conversations and remember one conversation in particular where the person who initiated the conversation gave me his brief definition of the two viewpoints.  He said “Calvinism believes in the sovereignty of God---that God is in control while Arminians believe that man is in control”.  Now I had always believed that God was in control of his creation and was sovereign so I muttered my agreement about being a Calvinist because I believed that God was fully sovereign.

But the truth was that I really had no idea what Calvinism or Arminianism was.  When the issue arose I would simply declare that I was a Calvinist since I believed in God’s sovereignty.  As I reflect back I also remember being given a book here and there that today I would certainly consider to be Calvinist but at the time I never put it all together.  My interests laid in other areas over these many years.  I was interested in being who God called me to be as a teacher and pastor of people.  I fully believed that God was sovereign but I also always fully believed that God wanted every person to be saved and that he loved everyone.

About five years ago my understanding of Calvinism all changed.  The pastor of the church I attended invited me to breakfast one morning and proceeded to tell me that he was going to bring a sermon the next Sunday on a passage from scripture that showed that God chose some people for some salvation and others to be rejected and lost forever.  Then a couple of men that I knew began referring to a book that implied the same message that the pastor had taught that Sunday.  In both cases I had a major check in my spirit and I knew that what they were saying was not true because I knew that God was not like that and his plan was one of salvation for all who believed.  I fully believed God loved all men and wanted all men to be saved.  This prompted me for the first time in my life to understand that I was not a Calvinist and that I was truly opposed to this message that many now call Calvinism and some call “Reformed”.

Interestingly, I began to notice that from time to time in my home fellowship times where someone would mention something about being chosen by God.  Then around the room others would say something like “I am so glad God chose me.  I don’t know why he chose me but he did”.  I realized that I had heard these kind of comments before and I also realized how uncomfortable these kinds of statements made me feel.  These kinds of comments if carried out to a logical progression support the notion that God did indeed choose some for salvation and others to be punished in hell forever.

This prompted me to intensely study the doctrine.  As mentioned previously, had anyone asked me in the past I would have identified myself as a Calvinist but at this point I was not so sure about what I was.  I suspected that Calvin was linked to this doctrine that I was hearing about but I was not sure so I determined to study the theology from scratch through scripture. 

I committed to do what I had done in the past when hearing about other doctrines and that was to research and study what Calvinism was about.   I wanted to determine if this idea of being “chosen” was really what the Bible taught.  I took a quick look at a few websites just to get a basic understanding of Calvinism but mostly what I committed to do was to evaluate the premises of the doctrines of Calvinism on the basis of scripture.  To me, scripture had always been my sole arbitrator on what should be accepted as good doctrine and what should be rejected.

So I resolved to study with great intent and what I found astounded me!  Not only did I confirm that I was not a Calvinist---I also discovered that Calvinism stated many points that I considered to be unscriptural, false and even dangerous.  Immediately I was moved in my spirit by God to confront Calvinism.  I have spent the last few years studying Calvinism and most of my research has been devoted to evaluating Calvinism on the basis of scripture and scripture only.  This I did to ensure that my study would not be tainted by opinion but firmly determined by scripture.  During these years I stayed away from the normal resources available online or in books that dealt with Calvinism, pro or con.  I wanted to know for myself through scripture what Calvinism really was and why my spirit was so checked whenever I heard it discussed.

It was after a short time of this kind of study that I decided to write a five to ten page document that I could give to people to show why Calvinism was a bad doctrine and was to be avoided.  I intended to write the document over a few days and get it out to people who seemed interested in this theology.

However during this time my research took me deeper into the study of Calvinism and I continued to be astounded as to where the doctrines of Calvinism had come from and where they lead.  Calvinism was just not an “I’m chosen” party.  It implied much more about God including doctrines that inferred that God actually hates those he has not chosen and that God created evil and even was the initiator for men to sin and carry out vile and wicked acts. 

The document I was writing kept getting longer and I just could not seem to finish it.  I wanted people to know the truth about Calvinism.  This writing went to ten pages and then eighteen pages.  Over a bit more time it was twenty-eight pages and then finally over fifty pages and even today it grows.  As time goes by I keep seeing more and more on the subject of Calvinism. 

Over time I came to know Calvinism as a doctrine that was clearly unscriptural and dangerous.   I would lay awake at night and the Holy Spirit would show me additional errors that are in Calvinist theology.  More and more scriptures came to mind that clearly made Calvinism a folly and a disgrace to good theology.

Once my foundation was formed through scripture I did look at many websites regarding Calvinism and those that opposed it.  I read the arguments by Calvinist supporters on websites and in books and I became more and more convinced that what Calvinism is very poor theology. 

I noticed a systematic approach by supporters of Calvinism where scriptures used to support the doctrines of Calvinism were frequently taken out of context.  More than that I could not find Bible passages that specifically proclaim what Calvinists believe.  

I was convinced that Calvinism had nothing to do with the classic Christianity that I had always believed in and it was my study in scripture which was my solid foundation in supporting my findings.  My conclusion was that Calvinism did not reflect the God of the Bible that I had known for many years and actually misrepresents God's amazing character and attributes.

I want to make it clear here that I do reject Calvinism but I do not reject Calvinists because they too are people that God loves because he does love everyone.  I believe that Calvinists are saved like everyone else can be.  If they confess with their mouths that Jesus is Lord and believe in their hearts that Jesus rose from the dead then they are saved.  This is the real mark of whether one is a believer or not as specified in Romans 10.  Being saved does not mean that a person has a perfect understanding of the Bible and what it teaches.  Spending eternity with God is not a matter of passing some sort of a litmus test on what is scriptural and what not is scriptural. 

Salvation is simply receiving the free gift of salvation and believing that Jesus is Lord and Savior.  Look at the man who died on the cross next to Christ who asked Jesus to remember him in his kingdom.  Jesus received him into the kingdom and the man had no understanding of theology.  He simply knew Jesus was dying for his sin and he confessed it with his mouth and was saved.

Also I want to make it clear that I have no angst in my heart against Calvinists.  To this day I have good friends are Calvinists.  Yes, sometimes fellowship is a bit awkward with these folks but as long as we keep our conversation on Christ and his completed work we do just fine.  Calvinists are not bad people.  They are just confused by a doctrine that the enemy has perpetrated to cloud what true salvation is and to indict God as not being the loving and good God that he is.  It is a doctrine that the enemy successfully uses to divide God’s people.

I apologize now for those times when my writing in this blog or on my Twitter account seem too snarky or sarcastic for I know that they will from time to time.

I know that there will be those that attack me for my blog and Twitter posts and will condemn my intentions.  It is a price that one pays when one contends for the truth.  The Apostle Paul paid a severe price and I am willing to pay the price.

This blog allows me to fulfill my call to contend for the gospel and to preach the true and good gospel of the New Testament.  It will warn and perhaps prevent some to reject the faulty doctrines of Calvin.  My desire for this blog is that it would be a resource for those who want the truth about Calvinism and who may not have the hours to research it like I did.  I will also include links to other helpful sites.

As you read my articles I pray that you would be blessed by the good and true gospel that proves what a great and marvelous God we have.  I pray that the eyes of your heart would be enlightened to know Jesus and his completed work including the glorious purposes of God that he has chosen specifically for those who believe in him.

(Please check out my tweets on my Twitter account at @confrontcalvin.)